Getting Even Sharper
Notes from today’s class:
Leave Space! You don’t have to fill every improv space. Leave room for the band.
Practice your scales and your blues scales.
Practice being in the moment and going back and forth.
Learn the vocabulary of other scatters- what syllables and tone quality does Sarah Vaughan have? Try to emulate that over another song, use her syllables and vocal styling.
Ella syllables & sound: more bright, less focus on syllables, sometimes just sounds. Doya d/n do , doya do dee, be do be doo, dee ha
More mumbly, less syllabic, yelling, speak sung. Focus on emotive and less on specific
Darmon Maeder - is also a saxaphonist, you can hear it in is singing/syllable choice
Jo Lawry- this song is a contrafact to Giant Steps. She’s not Sting’s back up singing.
Create guide tones using the 3 & 7, then sing around those notes. Sing the bass lines.
Essential things to do:
-walk the bass line
-arpeggiate the chords
then you will have the gist of the song
Bossa Scatting: keep it simple. Straight eight notes, or smooth, quarter note triplets. or focus on being more melodic and less showy